Sunday, September 15, 2024

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In the midst of uncertainty, a generation of young people is rising up to defy limitations and shatter expectations. They are the prevailing youth, embodied by Jacob's transformative encounter in Genesis 32:20-30.

Like Jacob, they wrestle with their circumstances, refusing to be defined by adversity. Instead, they emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient, uncovering their inner strength, unique voices, and purpose-driven passions.

Isaiah 60:1 echoes a powerful call to this generation: "Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you." The prevailing youth are called to radiate God's glory, illuminating a world in need of hope.

Jacob's story reminds us that the prevailing youth are not alone. A divine presence guides, empowers, and transforms them, imparting courage to confront fears, strength to overcome obstacles, and wisdom to make wise decisions.

Your struggles are not in vain. You are wrestling with purpose, emerging stronger, wiser, and more resilient with each passing day. Don't let adversity define you. Rise above, shine, and claim your purpose!

You are destined for greatness, empowered by a divine presence that equips you to overcome. Your light will illuminate the world, inspiring others to arise and shine.

Heed the call: "Arise, shine!" Embrace your purpose, radiate God's glory, and become the change-maker, innovator, and leader you were born to be. The world awaits your arrival. Will you answer?






Sunday, June 30, 2024


Who is Jesus to you? A gentle voice in the dark? A comforting friend? Or a warm hug that never lets go?

To those who know Him, Jesus is a soothing melody that calms our hearts, a refreshing rain that quenches our spirits, and a shining light that guides us on our way.

He's the One who takes our broken pieces and makes us whole, who builds a bridge of hope between our struggles and His love, and who walks with us through life's ups and downs.

Jesus is a love that's always near, a gift that fills our lives with purpose, and a new beginning that brightens our future.

Who is Jesus to you? He's the One who calls your name with love, who writes your story with grace, and who invites you on an amazing journey that never ends.





Wednesday, May 29, 2024

𝐀 π‘π„π’ππŽππ’πˆππˆπ‹πˆπ“π˜ 𝐖𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐍'𝐓 πˆπ†ππŽπ‘π„: ππ‘π€π˜ π…πŽπ‘ πŒπŽπ‘π„ π‹π€ππŽπ”π‘π„π‘π’

Praying for more labourers is not just a suggestion, it's a responsibility that falls squarely on our shoulders as followers of Christ. As we see in Matthew 9:35, Jesus went above and beyond to teach, preach, and heal every disease and sickness, moved by compassion for the crowds who were like sheep without a shepherd. This same compassion should drive us to pray for more labourers to help tend to the vast spiritual needs of our world.

Multitudes are still trapped in the valley of decision, struggling with sin and its consequences. 

The Bible reminds us that "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). People from all walks of life are perishing without knowledge of the Savior, and we are called to pray for labourers who will share the Good News and guide them to salvation.

Jesus Himself commanded us to pray for more labourers, saying, "Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field" (Matthew 9:38). This is a direct instruction from our Lord, and we must respond in obedience.

The Bible says, "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). There is an urgent need for labourers because of the disposition of humanity. 

We are called to pray for labourers who will share the Gospel and guide people to salvation.

Through prayer, we can move the heart of God to send labourers into the harvest. Prayer is the key that unlocks the heavens, and it's our responsibility to pray for more labourers to join the Lord's work. As we pray, we must also be willing to answer the call ourselves, joining the ranks of labourers in the harvest field.

Let us respond to Jesus' call, moved by compassion for the multitudes and obedience to His command. Let us pray for more labourers, and let us be willing to answer the call ourselves. 

Together, we can bring in the harvest and see the Kingdom of God advanced in our world.




Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Are you ready to unlock your purpose and shine your light for the world to see? 

Divine appointment is not just a destination; it's a journey of illumination, where every step reveals the brilliance of God's plan.

Imagine a candle, flickering in the darkness, waiting to be lit. Similarly, our lives are like unlit candles, waiting for the spark of divine purpose to ignite our passion and potential. 

When we light up for divine appointment, we:

- Discover our unique flame

- Illuminate our path

- Reflect God's glory

- Brighten the world around us

As we embrace our divine appointment, we become beacons of hope, shining brightly in a world filled with darkness. 

Our light is not just a faint glow but a radiant beam that pierces the shadows, guiding others toward their own divine purpose.

So, how do we light up for divine appointment?

- Seek God's presence

- Listen for His whisper

- Trust His guidance

- Step into His purpose

As we do, our lives will become a testament to the power of divine illumination, shining brighter with each passing day. 

We'll no longer be hidden candles but radiant beacons, lighting the way for others to find their own divine appointment.

Remember, your light is not just for yourself; it's for the world to see. 

So, let your flame burn brightly, and watch as your divine appointment becomes a beacon of hope, inspiring others to find their own path of purpose and illumination.




